Friday, February 3, 2012

How do i use the bouquet collar?

Anyone know how to use it? How do i hide all of the plastic cone looking part that will show? If i dont come up with something i will just hand-tie it and wrap the stems with ribbon. I am using 5 stems of red hydrangeas so the bouquet will be a nice size but with less stems.

How do i use the bouquet collar?
I think with hydrangeas they are a casual flower anyway so skip the cheapo collar.
Reply:If you are not used to arranging flowers using a nosegay (the white plastic cone thingy), then I would suggest hand tying them! I think hand tied flowers are more elegant and modern anyway!

Good luck!
Reply:I think they would look prettier if they were hand tied. Just take a peice of ribbon and wrap it around the stems. For a touch of elegance, cut pins (like corsage pins or the ones you use when your hemming something) small enough where they won't poke through to the other side and make a row or any cute design with them. It can also keep the ribbon in place if your not using fake flowers, if your using fake, I think you can hot glue your ribbon on.

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