Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do you guys like this flower? picture included?

I already have my flowers picked out but I was thinking of having some arrangements put at the frong of the entrance. what do you think of this flower its caled Fuji mum, it's different and I like different

or should i go with hydrangeas


Do you guys like this flower? picture included?
I think both of those flowers are lovely.

For my wedding, I'm having some hygrangeas; I love their petals because they look like clusters of butterflies or something.

I think the Fuji mums would stand out a whole lot better and give the guests something to anticipate because it's not every day that you get to see those (unless you live in a botanical garden).
Reply:Really depends on the tone of the wedding...You don't want them to stick out like a sore thumb. If your having an exotic wedding go with the first one, otherwise, I would go with hydrangeas
Reply:hydrangeas are so overdone! choose the mum. i don't know how many weddings i've been to with hydrangeas and while they are pretty, it's just nice to see something more creative and new. And they are so modern and elegant looking too!

Love the mum!
Reply:I like both. hydrangeas are used a lot at weddings though, also you may not be able to get a very deep blue or purple, it's hard to grow them that way.
Reply:I don't like those mums, but I have always loved the hydrangeas.
Reply:Hydrangea!!! It's a classical flower...and it's hardier then most give credit! :)

One word...


Yippee...I'm having Hydrangea's at my shower for the centerpieces this Sunday! :)
Reply:my friend had the hydrangeas for her guys in the wedding, they die fast! and fall apart. If you want something to last for your pictures and all the way up to the reception i would choose something else..
Reply:I like the Fuji mum, it is beautiful.
Reply:nice :)
Reply:I really really like the Fuji mums. They are a good traditional color for a wedding. The hydrangeas are a little too purple/blue for me. I think staying to classic white is better!
Reply:The Fuji Mums are absolutely Beautiful!!!
Reply:I am using hydrangeas for my wedding flowers. I did not know this but my florist told me, that hydrangeas are very susceptible to shrinking (somewhat wilting) when they are used in arrangements. So as long as they are not completely alone it will be okay, but with them standing on there own the shrinkage he said would be visible. We are mixing them with a few other flowers, but they are my favorite.
Reply:I think you should go with the fuji mums especially if the wedding is outdoors. I used to work with a florist and hydrageas are very hard to keep fresh looking. You wouldn't want your flowers to be wilted by the time the event start. If your wedding is early spring it should be ok though. Personally as far as looks I would go with the mums.
Reply:Fuji mums have WAY more class.
Reply:i think u should go with the hydranges there really pretty and lovely colour
Reply:if its outside...go with the hydrangeas...but inside...definantely the fuji mum....good luck!
Reply:Go with the mum. It's a very exotic looking flower. Hydrangeas are played out, and personally, I don't like them.
Reply:I like both of them...
Reply:The first flower is beautiful and exotic!! I don't know if I'd still like it after I found out the price.
Reply:ooo please do the Fuji Mum. I love it. Everyone does hydrangeas. Are you guys having like a tropical themed wedding or something? Just wondering, but in any case, I love the first flower
Reply:I'm not so sure about the Fuji mums. I wasn't so sure about the hydrangeas when I was looking at them for my own wedding, but now I love them! :). I think hydrangeas done well would be beautiful. Good luck and best wishes!
Reply:Hydrangeas, I feel the mums have a Thanksgiving feel about them.
Reply:Do the Fuji mum! They are so pretty, my Fiance sent me a flower arrangement last year that had a few in it and they were gorgeous! I took a picture around to everyone I knew wanting to know what they were and nobody knew what they were called but everyone loved them! I think it's a really nice change and people will really notice. Hydrangeas are really pretty also, they are just common.


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