Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why doesn't my hydrangea produce flowers?

I moved into a home almost 1 year ago. There is a plant next to my door that I was told was a hydrangea bush. It still has not produced any flowers. Why? Is there something I can do to help it flower?

Why doesn't my hydrangea produce flowers?
When did you or did you prune this hydrangea bush? If you pruned it too much in the fall or pruned it too late in the spring you will have removed the future flower buds. Many types of the old fashioned hyrangeas only bloom on last years growth. The new varieties ie endless summer bloom on last and this years growth. Also, the others are right about the special needs of hydrangeas and other acid loving plants, so try applying a fertilizer designed for camellias, rhodos and azaleas. Miracid was the name for it, by miracle gro but I haven't seen it on the shelves lately. Other companies make fertilizers like it. note: the hydrangeas flowers often tell you what your soil is like. If it is supposed to be a fairly blue flower but looks pinkish the soil is too sweet, needs acid so add aluminum sulphate. Add lime if is supposed to be red / pink and looks more bluish.
Reply:hydrangeas bloom on second year growth, therefore, you only want to prune the canes that flower this year. The canes that do not produce flowers this year should flower next year. Adding aluminum sulfate will change the color of the bloom from pink to blue but doesn't really help the actual formation of the bud. Also, did you have any frost damage early spring last year??/ that may also be the problem. good luck
Reply:I think it is called Miracid--a fertilizer that has the acid enuff for rhodies and hydrangeas.
Reply:It may need some flowering feed. Alot of flowering plants need a certain chemical to flower, ask your local flower guy.
Reply:The soil is not acidic enough. You will have to use an acidic fertilizer on it to get it to bloom. There are special fertilizers for hydrangea's.
Reply:Try having another one planted.I heard something about this before.I believe that they need more than one because of pollination or something.My Parents neighbor has them and they always had 4....2 blue/purple and 2 white......

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