Friday, January 27, 2012

Is it best to leave the heads of hydrangea's on the shrub over winter, or cut them off?

Without question, LEAVE THEM ON. They look good and protect forming leaf buds from frost and bitter winds. My wife always cuts a few off for Xmas. She dries them then sprays the with gold and silver paint for decorations. If required they will keep for many months. Do not prune till spring, and cut to a double bud

Is it best to leave the heads of hydrangea's on the shrub over winter, or cut them off?
OH MY! Now I know why mine died. I wonder how it managed to live as long as it did, like 7 or 8 years. I did not know.

Hydrangeas do not have to be pruned back -
Reply:leave them they offer protection to next years buds,
Reply:I always leave mine on as long as it is not necessary to remove and they look good when the frost and snow lands on them...making a pretty scene at a dismal time of year.
Reply:leave them on
Reply:leaving them on can help protect the new buds from severe frost and don't in any way detract from their appearance in the winter.
Reply:It is recommended that they are left on over the winter months as they act as a protection to the new buds.
Reply:leave them on i do and i had 2 for 5 years
Reply:I always prefer to leave the dead flowerheads on.They offer some protection in the event of a severe frost and look attractive when frosted.

In spring,I find it's good to cut back to the next pair of leaves below the old flowerhead.

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