Monday, January 9, 2012

When is the best time to plant a Hydrangeas in MN?

What is the ideal amount of sun and shade?

When is the best time to plant a Hydrangeas in MN?
after all danger of late frost is gone..... prob Memorial Day or a bit after....???..... as you're up North pretty good, yours can stand a little more sun than one could down here in the south.... morning sun is best, followed by high dappled if possible..... when I lived in zone 5, mine were under tall pines all day and got all filtered sun and they did great.... some types do better with open sun in the morning tho... seems to help them color up brighter... especially the Endless Summer types..... the white, paniculata types love more sun, too... read here about your type....
Reply:Hydrangeas do best if they don't get too much sun. Usually afternoon shade is best.

Hydrangeas are very forgiving to being transplanted, but the earlier in the growing season the better. If you can wait until fall, wait for about 2 or 3 weeks after the first frost to transplant. Be sure to water well for a few weeks after transplanting.
Reply:plant when the ground temp is in the 50's and make sure you add acidic plant food to it after it has established . Oh and pull it out and plant in a pot in the fall, as it will never make it outside in the winter.

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