Thursday, January 12, 2012

Help ! who out there knows how to grow hydrangeas? I need lots of tips please!!!!?

Hydrangeas are easy to grow. They prefer full sun to partial shade. In warmer climates, put them in a more shaded area, to reduce wilting in the midday sun. They prefer moist, rich, loam soil that drains well.

When planting, add generous amounts of rich compost. Add mulch yearly to help retain soil moisture, and to replenish nutrients for the plants. Keep the soil moist the entire season to promote lush growth and big blooms. Add a general purpose fertilzer monthly.

Flowers will begin to bloom in mid summer. Remove spent blooms. This will promote more blooms. To grow bigger blooms, thin some of the stems.

Prune bushes back in winter to early spring. If the bushes become too big or winter damaged, they can be cut back close to the ground.

Help ! who out there knows how to grow hydrangeas? I need lots of tips please!!!!?
keep them moist...they hate drying out. add aluminum sulphate to the soil if you want blue blooms....

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