Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Has anyione heard of a hydrangea named "marie "?

I bought a couple at home depot today as they are on clearance (I live in zone 5) and the planter states "hydrangea marie var bl"

Has anyione heard of a hydrangea named "marie "?
There's a hydrangea with the botanical name Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii' - it's a variegated lacecap hydrangea, meaning that it's flowers are not the big softball-shaped flowers. They are a flattened cluster of sterile and non-sterile flowers. They don't usually flower reliably.
Reply:There is a hydrangea macrophillia named "Marie Claire", it is pink and white. Not familiar with just plain "Marie".

Added: Home Depot doesn't even list them on their website as a plant they carry. My husband works there in the garden center and he says they didn't have them here this year, but Home Depot has "zones" where they carry certain plants in each zone, and one store might have something totally different from another, so who knows? They might have come from one of the vendors, but I can find no information on that variety at all, anywhere.

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